Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Im getting Transferred :):)

Well its transfer week and I have some exciting news.... im getting transferred! and im going to be in a leadership position :) I am going to be a Sister Training Leader :) that means I will work with all the sisters in my zone and I get to go on 24 hour exchanges with them every 6 weeks! They only have one set in each of the 5 zones and my zone already has STLs so I will be going to the Asheville Zone, the Chattanooga zone the Kingsport zone or the Cumberland zone! im really excited to see another part of the mission besides Knoxville! I have been in the same zone and surrounding area since I got here in April! so all I know is Knoxville haha but I am sad to leave... I like Knoxville! I would love to come back and live here! So some other news for the week... Our car got wrecked into! so we were going to visit this part member family that we had never met before and they had a really steep driveway and I didn't really want to park up there, but Tennessee doesn't have sidewalks or like space on the road to park so I didn't really have a choice. So we got there and there were 2 other vehicles parked so I just parked on this spot of gravel like 50 ft away from the other cars... well the husband who is the non member wasn't too interested in us being there so as we were standing out on the porch, he got into his truck to leave and wasn't watching and just ran right into the back/ driver side of our car! Oh man... he was SO MAD!!! he was swearing and yelling and freaking out! so now the back of our car is all smashed in. Well the next day we needed to get in the trunk to get our BOM's and pamphlets and stuff so we opened the trunk, and didn't realize that it wasn't closed tight so we got onto this busy road and my trunk flew open and we had to pull off the road and I called the elders and they told me I needed to tie it closed it with like a shoelace or something... well we didn't have any shoelaces in our car so I found a Wal-mart bag and the elders told me over the phone how to tie a square knot and it stayed the whole way home :) I was so proud of myself! haha the vehicle coordinator was proud of me too! Remember I told you that 2 weeks ago we got a flat tire... well we got another one on Saturday.... The elders had to come fix it for us again! I think by now I would know how to change my own flat tire :) Im learning a lot of valuable things on my mission! A week ago we were tracting and we met this lady named Misty and she said we could come back so we did and she is totally golden! she hasn't been going to any church and she said that she has been praying for God to show her the truth, We taught the restoration and she was very open minded. We told her about how church would be and she loved the idea of not having one preacher and that they wouldn't ask her for money. Her husband is a firefighter and she has 3 daughters, twins that are 13 and one that is 12. They weren't able to make it to church yesterday but she is really wanting to come and try it. She committed to be baptized :) im sad I wont get to see them get baptized! We had our investigator Adam at church yesterday :) Also there was a young newly married couple that just showed up! They said that they have always wanted to go to a Mormon church so they came! They live in our area so we are going to go teach them this week! I love being a missionary!! its so amazing to see the Lords work move forward! I hope you all have a great week! Love Sister Leifson :)

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